Bay Soundings Readers Share
Their Wishes for Tampa Bay
I would love to see an American crocodile in Tampa Bay with my own eyes.
— Jeff Klinkenberg, journalist, author and alligator wrangler
More champions willing to lead, more leaders willing to listen.
— Sallie Parks, governing board member, Southwest Florida Water Management District
That I will FINALLY find a live scallop in Tampa Bay during this year’s Great Bay Scallop Search.
— Nanette O’Hara, scallop aficionado and public outreach coordinator, Tampa Bay Estuary Program
To establish the American Victory Mariners Memorial & Museum Ship as the world-class maritime museum that our community so richly deserves and to honor the people who have worked so long and so hard on its behalf. Ours is a maritime heritage rich with fascinating history and tradition largely unknown to the majority of people in our area. It is my goal to share this knowledge not only with visitors to our region, but also with residents so they can take pride in this great legacy.
— Captain John C. Timmel, founder and chairman, American Victory Mariners Memorial & Museum Ship
That political leaders in Hillsborough and Manatee counties will pass “pole and troll” regulations to end the destruction of seagrass habitat along the southern shores of Tampa Bay at Cockroach Bay and Bishop Harbor, designating them as “areas of special concern” …and call attention to the wasteful destruction of seagrasses from outboard boat propellers so that each and every one of us can continue to fish for red fish, flounder, speckled trout and blue crabs.
— Capt. Gus Muench, Gus’ Crabby Adventures
That our elected officials will embrace and promote sustainable development that achieves a “triple bottom line” – of social, environmental and economic rewards – so our children will continue to enjoy the magnificent bay and watershed that has been entrusted to us.
— Elie Araj, president of Applied Sciences Consulting Inc. and member, U.S. Green Building Council and Florida Green Building Coalition
That Jeff, Nanette and Gus get their wishes!
— Suzanne Cooper, senior planner, Agency on Bay Management, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council