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Sound Off

We welcome letters to the editor on topics covered in Bay Soundings as well as articles or story ideas on issues impacting Tampa Bay and the region’s natural resources. The writer's name, affiliation, address, and telephone number should be included and electronic submission is preferred. Send letters in Word or PDF format to editor@baysoundings.com.

We’re always interested in news about community organizations involved in Tampa Bay, and our calendar page highlights upcoming bay-related events and activities. Send news and calendar listings to editor@baysoundings.com.

If you see an article in Bay Soundings that you would like to include in another publication, help yourself. All we ask is that the story appear with the following credit: “Reprinted with permission from Bay Soundings.” However, photos may not be reprinted without the express written permission of the photographer.

Vanishing Waterfront

Fighting Fire with Fire

Blazing Trails at USF: Peter Betzer

News Briefs & Follow Through

Tampa Bay Bucks Another Trend

Up the Creek? Wastewater Technicians in Short Supply

Hurricane Tips for Boaters

Community Grants Available

Tampa Bay Hatchery Searches for New Home

Scoop that Poop!

Ship Holds Probed for Invaders

Last Child in the Woods

Commentary and Opinion

Quarterly Calendar

Robinson Preserve - Transformation Begins