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The calendar is compiled far in advance so we strongly suggest that you contact the sponsoring organization prior to the event. Some events may have fees for participation.
Ongoing Events2nd & 4th Saturdays, 10am-1pm, Ask a Master Gardener! Rocky Bluff Branch Library, 7016 US Highway 301 N, Ellenton. Visit the Extension Master Gardener information table outside the library and get answers to your gardening questions. Thursday-Saturday, 9am-4pm, Connecting People and Place: An art-inspired, hands-on educational permanent exhibit of the area's history, ecology and people at the Weedon Island Preserve Cultural and Natural History Center, 1800 Weedon Drive NE, St. Petersburg. 727-453-6500 or www.weedonislandpreserve.org. Thursday-Saturday, 9am-4pm, Windows to Our Wildest Place: Hands-on educational permanent exhibits help visitors understand how natural Florida has changed over time and the ecological footprints left by those changes. Brooker Creek Environmental Education Center, 3940 Keystone Road, Tarpon Springs. 727-453-6800 or www.brookercreekpreserve.org. Oct.15, Nov. 19, Dec. 17, 9-11am, Extension Master Gardner Plant ID Tour, Stroll through Emerson Point Preserve to learn more about Florida's native plants and inhabitants of a coastal habitat. Suitable for all ages. Manatee County Extension Office, 1303 17th Street West, Palmetto, Florida 34221. All class sizes are limited; minimum class size is required. Register in advance online via our web site at http://manatee.ifas.ufl.edu or call 941-722-4524 for all workshops. Oct. 21-Jan 15, Bruce Mozert's innovative work will be featured in a temporary exhibition at South Florida Museum with more than 40 black and white photographs showcased in "Silver Springs: The Underwater Photography of Bruce Mozert" in the East Gallery. The exhibition is based on a book of the same title created by Gary Monroe and organized by a former curator of the Appleton Museum, Dr. Leslie Hammond. Access to the exhibition is included with general admission to the South Florida Museum. The South Florida Museum is located at 201 10th Street West in downtown Bradenton. For more information, please call 941-746-4131, or visit www.southfloridamuseum.org. Oct. 23, Nov. 20, Dec. 18, 9-11am, Extension Master Gardener Plant ID Tour, stroll through Rye Preserve to learn what grows in a dry, sandy upland habitat. Master Gardener Bob Egolf will lead this new tour through the scrubs and point out the native wildflowers and shrubs. All class sizes are limited; minimum class size is required. Register in advance online via our web site at http://manatee.ifas.ufl.edu or call 941-722-4524 for all workshops. Nov. 5 & 6, Art Arbor Festival at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, 1101 Country Club Way S., St. Petersburg. Arts, crafts, music and food. Nov. 12 & Dec. 10, 9-11am, Extension Master Gardener Plant ID Tour. Stroll through DeSoto National Memorial and Riverview Pointe Preserve with a Master Gardener volunteer to learn about Florida's native plants and inhabitants of a coastal habitat. Suitable for all ages. All class sizes are limited; minimum class size is required. Register in advance online via our web site at http://manatee.ifas.ufl.edu or call 941-722-4524 for all workshops. Nov. 19-20, Pasco EcoFest. More than 10 state, county and city parks participating and multiple events taking place at each location, from birding, kayaking, hiking, biking, paddle boarding, fishing and boat tours to eco tours, geocaching, a fine art show and photography competition, bonfires and drum circles. Learn more about www.pascoecofest.com. Nov. 26-Dec. 31, Look ahead to the holidays: Holiday traditions will enchant visitors at Pinellas County's 21-acre living history museum. Each of Heritage Village's historical houses will be decorated true to its time period, locality and lifestyle, from an elaborately decorated Victorian home to a simply adorned 1852 log cabin. Heritage Village will also offer a special day of holiday-related activities, "Trees and Traditions," on Saturday. Jan. 6 - 8, Friday to Sunday. Multi-day trip to Lake Okeechobee STA5 and Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary with Clearwater Audubon Society. This is a thrilling weekend trip to the southeast corner of Lake Okeechobee (better known as Stormwater Treatment Area 5) to a network of lakes that provides a beautiful habitat to thousands of birds including peregrine falcons, snail kites, white pelicans, purple gallinules and you may even see scissor-tailed flycatchers and more. From here we will travel to Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, a magical cypress forest home to many types of songbirds, wading birds, owls, and raptors. Reservations required, contact Paul Trunk 727-447-4785 or visit http://www.clearwateraudubon.com/
OctoberOct. 27, 10:30-11:15am, Book Time: Children ages 3 to 5 connect to the wonders of the natural world through a story and a craft, game or other hands-on activity. Free; advance registration required. Booker Creek Preserve, 3940 Keystone Road, Tarpon Springs. 727-453-6800 or www.brookercreekpreserve.org. Oct. 27, 10:30-11:15am, Wee-Time: Children ages 3 to 5 do crafts and hear a wonderful story about a little bat and its adopted home from the book Stellaluna by Janell Cannon. Free; advanced registration required. Weedon Island Preserve,1800 Weedon Drive, N.E., St. Petersburg. 727-453-6500 or www.weedonislandpreserve.org. Oct. 29, 8am, Honeymoon Island State Park Birdwatching Walk with Clearwater Audubon Society. Meet behind the McDonalds at the corner of ALT US 19 and Curlew Road. This is a birdwatcher's heaven, see wading birds and shore birds plus migratory songbirds and raptors. Bald eagles nest here as well as great horned owls. This is a 2 to 3 mile walk on sand trails. We will also look for birds along the Dunedin Causeway. Bring your binoculars and field guides if you have them! Beginners and experienced birders welcome. Contact Ellen Pfau, 727-786-3718 or visit www.clearwateraudubon.com/. There is a fee to enter the park. For more information www.floridastateparks.org/honeymoonisland/default.cfm Oct 29, 9-10:30am, Guided Hike: See how the land has changed over time and the ecological footprints left by those changes. Wear closed-toe shoes; bring water and a hat. Best for ages 6 and older. Free; advance registration required. Brooker Creek Preserve, 3940 Keystone Road, Tarpon Springs. 727-453-6800; www.brookercreekpreserve.org. Oct. 29, 6:30pm, Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium always pulls out all the stops during the its annual black-tie fundraiser — but this year, we're pulling out the penguins, too. Mote will roll out the pink carpet on Oct. 29 for Oceanic Evening, which will feature a special private opening of the Aquarium's new Penguin Island exhibit. (The exhibit opens to Mote Aquarium visitors Nov. 1 and runs through February 2012.) Oceanic Evening begins at 6:30 p.m. at Mote Aquarium, 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota. The event includes cocktails, dinner catered by Michael's on East and dancing right next door to the penguin habitat in Mote Aquarium's Courtyard. We're pretty sure this will be the only party in town where some of the guests will arrive wearing their permanent tuxedos! Tickets: $250 per person. RSVP is required — please call Vicki Wiese at 941-388-4441, ext. 305 or e-mail Vicki@mote.org.
NovemberNov. 5, 7:30am. Blackwater Creek Field Trip with Tampa Audubon Society Meet at the McDonalds on I-4 and MacIntosh Rd. Blackwater Creek is an ELAPP area north of Plant City with a large expanse of woodlands, wetlands and old Florida terrain. Flat walking for several hours. Bring water and repellant. Contact Dave Goodwin dave.godwin@aol.com. Nov. 5, 9-11am, Guided Hike: Learn about the ecosystems and the early residents of Weedon Island Preserve while hiking the coastal uplands and the boardwalks through mangrove forests. Best for ages 6 and older. Free; advance registration required. Weedon Island Preserve, 1800 Weedon Drive N.E., St. Petersburg. 727-453-6500 or www.weedonislandpreserve.org. Nov. 5, 10am-noon, Going Coastal - Marvelous Manatees: Learn about these marvelous mammals, including their life history, why they are an endangered species and what you can do to help protect them. Free; advance registration required. Weedon Island Preserve, 1800 Weedon Drive, N.E., St. Petersburg. 727-453-6500 or www.weedonislandpreserve.org. Nov. 5, 8 am, Moccasin Lake Nature Park Birdwatching Walk. Join Clearwater Audubon Society in this wonderful Clearwater park to look for an incredible variety of songbirds, water birds, and raptors in this unique oak hammock. Autumn in Florida brings migrating birds so anything is possible! This is an easy ¾ mile trail and ideal for beginning and advanced birders alike. There are two large ponds, a stream, and a nature center which houses turtles and injured birds. Bring your binoculars and field guides if you have them! Meet at Moccasin Lake Nature Park, 2750 Park Trail Lane, Clearwater. Contact Madeleine Bohrer, 727-748-6885 or visit http://www.clearwateraudubon.com/ Park admission: 3-12 years: $2; 13 years and up: $3, for more information: www.clearwater-fl.com/gov/depts/parksrec/facilities/mlnp.asp Nov. 7, 6pm (special time). Clearwater Audubon Monthly Meeting at Moccasin Lake Nature Park, 2750 Park Trail Lane, Clearwater. Every November, Clearwater Audubon hosts a wonderful potluck dinner to open a very special meeting. At this time, we honor our scholarship recipients from the summer months. Every year, we send several deserving birders and nature devotees to the Hog Island Audubon Camp outside Portland, Maine. Each recipient shares their experience to the group and it is always fun to see each encounter through different people's eyes. Afterwards, we will talk about chick banding, bird colony-watching, and the history of Clearwater Audubon. We also welcome back our winter Floridians! This will be a fun as well as delicious evening! Sponsored by the Clearwater Audubon Society http://www.clearwateraudubon.com/ or contact Mike MacDonald 727-409-0459. Nov. 8, 1-4 pm – Tampa Bay Estuary Program Manatee Awareness Coalition, Weedon Island Nov. 10, 10am-noon, Florida-Friendly Holiday Tips. Get inspired to decorate this holiday season with innovative, easy and eco-friendly decorating ideas and tips using nature. Register online or call Michelle. Manatee County Extension Office, 1303 17th Street West, Palmetto, Florida 34221. All class sizes are limited; minimum class size is required. Register in advance online via our web site at http://manatee.ifas.ufl.edu or call 941-722-4524 for all workshops. Nov. 10, 10:30-11:15am, Wee-Time: Preschoolers will learn when owls like to sleep in Good-Night, Owl! by Pat Hutchins. Free; advance registration required. Weedon Island Preserve, 1800 Weedon Drive, N.E., St. Petersburg. 727-453-6500; www.weedonislandpreserve.org. Nov. 12, 9am, Lettuce Lake Park for beginning birders with Tampa Audubon Society. Meet at the visitors' center. We will walk the boardwalk and trails looking for waterbirds, ducks and wintering residents. Finished by 11:30. (Entrance fee to the park is $2.00) Contact Pat Lewis 813-907-6542 or plewis8216@aol.com Nov. 12, 9-11am, Guided Hike: Learn about the ecosystems and the early residents of Weedon Island Preserve while hiking the coastal uplands and the boardwalks through mangrove forests. Best for ages 6 and older. Free; advance registration required. Weedon Island Preserve, 1800 Weedon Drive N.E., St. Petersburg. (727) 453-6500; www.weedonislandpreserve.org. Nov. 12, 8am, Brooker Creek Preserve Birdwatching Walk, 3940 Keystone Road, Tarpon Springs. If you have ever visited Brooker Creek Preserve you know what a special place it is. Not only can you see migratory and resident songbirds and raptors but many other kinds of creatures and plants as well. There are three miles of boardwalks and some sand trails so be prepared to take a good walk. Also, bring your binoculars and field guides if you have them! More information online: http://www.friendsofbrookercreekpreserve.org/about_the_preserve.htm Free. Sponsored by the Clearwater Audubon Society http://www.clearwateraudubon.com/. Meet at the preserve in the Education Center parking lot. Contact Ken Rowe 727-781-0745 Nov 12, 8am-til, St. Petersburg Audubon Society – Bird Walk. Meet 8 at Eagle Lake Park County Park - 1800 Keene Rd., Largo. Pull into park, turn right, follow road to end, playground adjacent to parking lot. Bring binoculars, hat & water. Contact fieldtrips@stpeteaudubon.org Nov. 14, 8am-4pm, Agricultural Farm Tour. Get acquainted with Manatee County's agricultural community. Join us for this unique, fun-filled all day bus tour visiting some of the County's agricultural operations. $40 per person includes tour bus transportation, snacks, & lunch. Reservations required. Make checks payable to Farm City Week and mail to 1303 17th St. W., Palmetto, FL 34221. Nov 15, 7pm-til, St. Petersburg Audubon Society – Program "The Birds of Bhutan and More". Speakers: Tom and Lindsay Bell. Meet at The Science Center of Pinellas County, 7701 22nd Ave N. St. Petersburg. Contact specialevents@stpeteaudubon.org Nov. 17, 1:30-4:30 pm – Tampa Bay Estuary Program Management & Policy Board, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, Pinellas Park Nov. 18, 10am-noon – Tampa Bay Estuary Program Management & Policy Board, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, Pinellas Park Nov. 19, 9:30am-4pm, Cortez Fishing Village Folk Art Festival-Music, Food, Crafts and Fun! Arts and crafts. music by local artists, photographer to take free family and group photos in the museum's secret garden. The Pillsbury Boatworks will be open with a demonstration of boat-building skills. Visit http://cortezvillage.org/FishingFestival.aspx Nov. 19, 10am-noon, Planting, Establishing, and Caring for Trees and Shrubs Nov. 30, 10am-noon, Bromeliads: A Gardener's Guide to the Selection and Care
DecemberDec. 3, 8am-noon, Give A Day for the Bay, Tampa Bay Estuary Program invasive plant removal at South Gandy Park in Tampa. Contact 727-893-2765 or Colleen@tbep.org Dec. 3, 8am, Birding at Al Lopez Park, Meet at the Pavilion 302 just inside the entrance on the right. We will walk around the lake looking for water birds, rails and wintering landbirds. About one mile of easy walking on paved paths. After birding, those who wish will gather at the Village Inn for brunch. Tampa Audubon Society, Contact Bill Lamoureux 813-839-2742 or wlamoureux@aol.com Dec. 3, 8am, St. Petersburg Audubon Society – Bird Walk. Meet at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, 1101 Country Club Way S., St. Petersburg; 727-893-7326. Bring binoculars, hat and water. Contact fieldtrips@stpeteaudubon.org Dec. 3, 8am, Moccasin Lake Nature Park Birdwatching Walk. Join Clearwater Audubon Society in this wonderful Clearwater park to look for an incredible variety of songbirds, water birds, and raptors in this unique oak hammock. Autumn in Florida brings migrating birds so anything is possible! This is an easy ¾ mile trail and ideal for beginning and advanced birders alike. There are two large ponds, a stream, and a nature center which houses turtles and injured birds. Meet at Moccasin Lake Nature Park, 2750 Park Trail Lane, Clearwater. Contact Mike MacDonald 727-409-0459 or visit: www.clearwater-fl.com/gov/depts/parksrec/facilities/mlnp.asp. Dec. 5, 7am, Clearwater Audubon Monthly Meeting at Moccasin Lake Nature Park, 2750 Park Trail Lane, Clearwater. Every first Monday of the month, Clearwater Audubon hosts a guest speaker. This month, Key Meyer, from the University of Florida Avian Research and Conservation Institute, will discuss the impact of climate change on birds. He is a member of the committee to prepare the 2012 Climate Change Resolution. This is a seminal topic and we are fortunate to have Meyer bring us up to date on where our bird populations stand. Contact Mike MacDonald 727-409-0459 or visit http://www.clearwateraudubon.com/. Dec 10, 9am, Lettuce Lake Park for beginning birders with Tampa Audubon Society. Meet at the visitors center. We will walk the boardwalk and trails looking for waterbirds, ducks and wintering residents. Contact Mary Keith, 813-935-6115 or -keithma1@juno.com Dec. 10, 8:00-11:30am, Tour Possum Branch Preserve with St. Pete Audubon Society. Meet at driveway entrance to preserve on east side N. McMullen Booth Road (CR611). Located just north of Mease Countryside Hospital (3231 McMullen Booth Rd.) before you reach Curlew Road (CR586). Look for St. Pete Audubon sign. Contact Susan Pepper, Field Trip Coordinator, email fieldtrips@stpeteaudubon.org Dec. 14, 6:30-9pm, The public is invited to the "Holiday Conservation Celebration," an annual event jointly hosted by the Pinellas Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society and the St. Petersburg Audubon Society. The event will take place at Pinellas County Extension, 12520 Ulmerton Road, Largo. The event is sponsored by Pinellas County Extension/IFAS and admission is free. There will be refreshments, exhibits by local environmental groups and government agencies, conservation awards, a silent auction of nature-themed books, crafts, plants, holiday gift items and door prizes. The special guest speaker is Manley Fuller, president of the Florida Wildlife Federation. The event is a fund-raiser for both organizations, which use the proceeds for conservation projects throughout Pinellas County. These include protection of birds and their habitats, promotion of sustainable landscape practices that use native plant species, environmental advocacy, and public education programs focusing on wildlife, nature and sustainable living. Bring a dish to share or some holiday treats and join the fun! Contact Katy Roberts at 727-726-1455 or kroberts@ij.net or visit stpeteaudubon.org for information. Dec. 17, 6:00am-6:00pm, St. Petersburg Audubon Society's Annual Christmas Bird Count, To volunteer call Don Margeson for a full day of birding, 727-527-0227 x253. Count down dinner 6:00 pm at Panera Bread, 2285 Ulmerton Rd., Feather Sound. Visit stpeteaudubon.org for information. Dec 18, Alafia Christmas Count with Tampa Audubon Society. Contact Dave Bowman to be part of the team, dsbowman4@verizon.net or 813-948-8576 Dec. 23, Annual Christmas Bird Count with Clearwater Audubon Society, no experience necessary to be part of this hundred-year tradition. Visit http://www.clearwateraudubon.com/ or contact Marianne Korosy 727-772-7584 or mkorosy@gmail.com
JanuaryJan 1, 12pm, St. Petersburg Audubon Society – 21st annual Rich Paul New Year's Day Birding Open, Ft. De Soto County Park, Tierra Verde. Donations benefits Audubon of Florida's Coastal Island Sanctuary. Create a team or bird on your own, anytime before noon on 1/1/12. Bring a bag lunch, drink and a dessert to share. Meet at shelter #15 for countdown. Suggested donation $20. Contact fieldtrips@stpeteaudubon.org Jan 2, Tampa Audubon Christmas Count. Contact Dave Bowman to be part of the team, dsbowman4@verizon.net or 813-948-8576 Jan 7, 8am, St. Petersburg Audubon Society – Bird Walk. Meet at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve - 1101 Country Club Way S., St. Petersburg; 727-893-7326. Bring binoculars, hat and water. Contact fieldtrips@stpeteaudubon.org Jan. 7, 8am, Moccasin Lake Nature Park Birdwatching Walk. Meet at Moccasin Lake Nature Park, 2750 Park Trail Lane, Clearwater. Look for an incredible variety of songbirds, water birds, and raptors in this unique oak hammock. Winter in Florida brings migrating birds so anything is possible! This is an easy ¾ mile trail and ideal for beginning and advanced birders alike. There are two large ponds, a stream, and a nature center which houses turtles and injured birds. Bring your binoculars and field guides if you have them! Visit http://www.clearwateraudubon.com/ or contact Mike MacDonald 727-409-0459. Jan. 13, 7:30pm, "Phenology and the USA National Phenology Network" presented by Project Manager George Kish of the Sun Coast Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society. Phenology is the study of periodic plant and animal life cycle events and how these are influenced by seasonal and inter-annual variations in climate. The project is called Nature's Notebook which is a volunteer observation program to collect valuable observed information to help scientists, educators and others understand how plants and animals are responding to climate and other environmental changes. Your observations can make a difference! St. Mark's Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 7922 State Road 52, Hudson, FL 34667. Telephone inquiries are taken by Mary at (727) 849-2335. Chapter website: http://www.pasconativeplants.org. Jan 14, 9am, Lettuce Lake Park for beginning birders with Tampa Audubon Society. Meet at the visitors center. We will walk the boardwalk and trails looking for waterbirds, ducks and wintering residents. Contact Bill Lamoureux, 813-839-2742 or wlamoureux@aol.com Jan 14, 8am, St. Petersburg Audubon Society – Bird Walk Meet at Circle B Bar Reserve, 4399 Winter Lake Road (SR 540), Lakeland. Meet outside of Nature Center located at end of Discovery Drive. Look for St. Pete Audubon sign. Info and directions: www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/recreation CircleBBarReserve. Bring binoculars, hat & water. Contact fieldtrips@stpeteaudubon.org Jan. 15, 8am, Visit Brandon Duck Ponds with Tampa Audubon Society. Sandy Reed is going to lead us to some local ponds in the Brandon area to look for wintering waterfowl. Meet at the McDonalds on Rte 60 near I-75. Very little walking. Contact Seareed99@gmail.com or 813-956-6096 Jan. 17, 6:30-8:30pm, St. Pete Audubon & Clearwater Audubon Joint Meeting. "A Birder's Guide to Pinellas County," by Ron Smith, author, birder, St. Pete Audubon member & www.pinellasbirds.com webmaster. Suncoast Hospice, 5771 Roosevelt Suncoast Hospice, 5771 Roosevelt Blvd.,Clearwater. Visit stpeteaudubon.org for information. |