Bay Soundings
Bay Soundings | volume three o number two | spring 2004


Stunning Yards Are Florida-Friendly Too

Is Your Yard Florida-Friendly?
Be a Good Neighbor
Florida Yards 101
Irrigation Goes High-Tech
Low Impact Development

Love Is In The Air, But There's Danger on the Ground
Beach-nesting birds are vulnerable even to well-intentioned people.
Chicks Rule!

Sharing the Water with Sharks
Experts offer tips on co-existing with one of earth's oldest predators.
Timeless Designs Meld Inside with Outdoors
Bradenton developer celebrates the pioneering architecture of Paul Rudolph.

A mama protects a baby chick from hungry predators
Rich Paul Reflecting on a Rich Legacy
Rich Paul retired in December after 31 years of service to the National Audubon Society, including two decades as guardian of Tampa Bay's coastal island sanctuaries, which host some 50,000 pairs of nesting birds each spring. Bay Soundings pays tribute to this local conservation hero as he embarks on new adventures.

A Day At Cockroach Bay
Explore the estuary through the eyes of 5th-grade cub reporters Dakin and Megan White.


No Bull

Frogs Have Something To Say, If You Listen

Commentary & Opinion
Commercial Crabber Calls For Tighter Rules on Harvest
by Gus Muench

blue crab

Editor's Desk
Florida Yards Come of Age

jumping dolphin
Quarterly Calendar
Science teachers: Double Your Fun this Summer


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