Bay Soundings Looks to the Future:
Confirming Current Subscribers, Reaching out to New Readers

This issue marks the ninth anniversary of Bay Soundings, a milestone that's nearly matched by our growth in circulation over those years.

As we look toward the future in a challenging economic climate, we realized we need to back up and make sure that everyone on our mailing lists still wants to be here. Bay Soundings is printed and mailed as inexpensively as possible so we use bulk rate mailing. The downside of bulk mail is that we aren't automatically notified when someone moves or changes their job address.

We're also finalizing plans for three new initiatives:

Over the next six months, we're asking that everyone who receives a print edition of Bay Soundings by mail contact us to confirm that their address is correct and that they would like to continue receiving a mailed copy. To sign up online, visit