Help Make Bay Soundings Even Better!

[printfriendly]We’ve been working with an incredible editorial advisory board for the last 12 years that has helped shaped our coverage since our first issue in April 2002. Their support and insights have ensured that we cover the stories and topics most important to the people who have made Tampa Bay one of the only urban estuaries in the world where water quality is improving.

Technology has changed dramatically since we selected that first team of editorial advisors and we’d like to take advantage of it. Rather than trying to schedule in-person meetings for a small group of people, we’ll be setting up online webinars to help ensure that Bay Soundings continues to cover the stories most important to its diverse readership.

You don’t need to be an “expert,” just an interested bystander who is involved in any facet of restoration, protection or education of Tampa Bay and its watershed. And it’s not a complicated, time-consuming job. We’ll meet online three or four times a year to share ideas on new topics and better ways to cover the issues facing Tampa Bay. (Of course, we’re always interested to hear from readers with great ideas even if they don’t want to commit to regular meetings.)

If you’d like to be part of the team, email us at and we’ll send you detailed information on how and when to join us. We’re looking forward to an amazing 2014, working together to make Tampa Bay a better place for all of us!
