WWater Quality How Does Tampa Bay Stack UpSeptember 23, 2012 [printfriendly] By Victoria Parsons With the national organization Restore America’s Estuaries (R.A.E.) hosting its sixth annual conference at…
WWater Quality ONE WATERWAY ONE TAMPA BAY At-Risk Teens Interpret Waterway ConnectivitySeptember 23, 2012 [printfriendly] By Sigrid Tidmore Estuary field science came alive for a group of Sulphur Springs teens when they…
FFish & Wildlife Marvelous MudMarch 20, 2012 “Ewwww!” “Yuck — it’s icky, squishy and smelly!” “Cool. Can we take off our shoes and play in…
HHuman Impacts Scientists Warn of Persistent Dead ZonesJanuary 27, 2010 [printfriendly] Healing low-oxygen aquatic “dead zones” will be trickier than previously imagined, according to scientists speaking at the…
WWater Quality Groundwater Seep Meter is Ready for Prime TimeJanuary 27, 2010 [printfriendly] Groundwater can be an important source of associated contaminants in coastal waters and estuaries – but it’s…
WWater Quality Tampa Bay Water SupplyOctober 9, 2007 by Victoria Parsons As 1997 dawned in Tampa Bay, nearly two million people relied primarily upon the Floridan…
EExploring the Bay Clean Marinas are Good for BusinessNovember 7, 2004 By Mary Kelley Hoppe and Victoria Parsons Bay Soundings 2004 It’s the waterfront equivalent of the Good Housekeeping…
HHabitat Protection & Restoration What’s Your Watershed Address?November 1, 2004 Story originally published in Fall, 2004 Whether you know it or not, you live in a watershed. From…
PProfiles/Spotlight Behind the curtain and at the controls: Gene FarleyOctober 31, 2004 By Mary Kelley Hoppe Bay Soundings 2004 The wizard of oz operates out of a one-story flat-top compound…