Up to 15,000 "prop scars" crosscross Little Cockroach Bay as boasters speed trough shallow waters to some of the region's best fishing grounds. The 2007 proposal ultimately failed but other efforts to protect the seagrasses continue.
Beginning with a 14-acres site at E.G. Simmons Park, the SWIM (Surface Water Improvement and Management) program restored more than 2000 acres as part of the first concerted effort to restore critical fisheries and wildlife habitat lost to development.
[printfriendly] [su_pullquote align=”right”][/su_pullquote] While more expensive energy alternatives are grabbing headlines, a new campaign from Progress Energy focuses…
[printfriendly] [su_pullquote align=”right”][/su_pullquote] Lynn Barber at the Hillsborough County Extension dreamed up a way to safely capture air-conditioning…