FWC Approves Rule to Allow Peregrine Falcons for Falconry



The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) will allow falconers to take peregrine falcons with up to five permits issued annually in a random drawing with priority given to Florida residents.

Peregrines were removed from the endangered species list in 1999 and scientists estimate there are at least 3,100 breeding pairs in the U.S. today. “Falconers contributed to the successful conservation of the peregrine by providing birds for captive breeding so peregrines could be reintroduced,” said Robin Boughton, the FWC’s avian coordinator.

Noting that the peregrine is considered an iconic species, Audubon of Florida requested that FWC fund projects to monitor populations. Although they do not nest in Florida, they migrate through the state and some spend the winter here.

News brief originally published Winter 2010.
